and so it begins
The phrase was used by King
Theoden in the Lord of the Rings movie "The Two Towers" right before the major battle at
Helms Deep. The phrase can be used to signify the start of a major or
significant event.
And so it begins
by JD25 on Mar 18, 2009 00:31:32
1:A saying started on, that is used
anytime something bad happens or may happen.
2: Used by post
whores for
no good reason other than to annoy people.
Poster 1:I've
ran out of
tinfoil, the cops shot my dog and the Democrats are coming for my guns.
Poster 2: And so it begins...
And So It Begins
by sticcman on Dec 29, 2020 00:16:47
P1: damn, that music in
belle's video slaps, i wonder what its called
P2: aight mate ima
shazam it for you
rq, apparently its called "And So It Begins" by