by Oliver Faltz on Aug 08, 2009 01:13:39
adj. Dominated by one's television system.
Just like
henpecked, except it's your television that rules your life. There are degrees of aspect, expressed as a ratio, e.g.
Ever since
Harve got that
big TV with all the little
speakers, he never goes out anywhere. He's waayy aspect, like 23:7.
by wrorty on Dec 24, 2021 21:35:24
Aspect of the jerry
by Zero00000Zero on Oct 18, 2021 10:17:25
a really powerful weapon in
skyblock that can only be aquire by very
end game player who have high
stats and skill.
Aspect Linguistique
by Lumenu on Dec 17, 2018 09:57:22
aspect of the end
by wordordo on Jul 25, 2021 11:58:52
aspect of life
by dgfhgfdcghghfgghhhgggghhhhhhhh on Jul 13, 2021 11:48:25
New Aspect Director
by SporticusM on Apr 24, 2009 02:13:57
New Aspect Director is the creative,writer and director on various
productions local to Ireland. Although relatively unknown,New Aspect Director can be found online and certain
social networking sites such as
Bebo and youtube. Will usually aid people if in need of help in different areas of media.
aspect ratio
by dgfhgfdcghghfgghhhgggghhhhhhhh on Jul 13, 2021 11:27:28
A size of an image or a video.
Computers use
16:9 - phones use 9:16 - movie trailers use
21:9 - while old TVs use
But there are other sizes with different aspect ratios
by on Dec 28, 2020 19:16:35
it’s Aspect#0964 why he here he is
soo cool