be·sides (b-sdz)adv.1. In addition; also.2. Moreover; furthermore.3. Otherwise; else.prep.4. In addition to.5. Except for; other than.Beside myself
Extreme joy, anger, etc, brought on by a situation that causes one to be "out of one's mind" with that emotion.
"Beside" was formerly (15th through 19th centuries) used in phrases to mean "out of a mental state or condition, as 'beside one's patience, one's gravity, one's wits'" (Oxford Engl. Dict.), and that use survives only in "'beside oneself': out of one's wits, out of one's senses."
"Beside" was formerly (15th through 19th centuries) used in phrases to mean "out of a mental state or condition, as 'beside one's patience, one's gravity, one's wits'" (Oxford Engl. Dict.), and that use survives only in "'beside oneself': out of one's wits, out of one's senses."
I was so beside myself looking at all the women on the beach that I didn't hear my wife yelling for help.
I was so beside myself looking at all the women on the beach that I didn't hear my wife yelling for help.
beside yourself
Get beside yourself
A modern phrase invented by a millennial of telling somebody to be humble and taking a crystal clear look at themselves before passing judgement and/or being critical towards others.
"Maybe you should sit back down and re-evaluate your thoughts, be humble... and get beside yourself."
"Maybe you should sit back down and re-evaluate your thoughts, be humble... and get beside yourself."
You're getting beside yourself
My Grandma was Southern born and raised, so a lot of Southern Dialect , sayings and nuances were little lessons throughout my life. One of those sayings that I favored is " You're getting besides yourself"- My grandma would say this to me anytime she felt I was trying to "show off", "Act up" or get "too cutesy". It was a soft way of saying, "get back in line", or "get yourself together", "humbly thyself". It is usually used by someone elder or maternal/paternal, is helpful and surely is an expression of love!
Akira Toriyama's other works besides the DB series
DBZ fanboy: OMG, DBZ is teh coolest!!
Me: Can you name any of Akira Toriyama's other works?
DBZ fanboy: Umm... uh... Vegeta rocks!!
Me: (sigh)
DBZ fanboy: OMG, DBZ is teh coolest!!
Me: Can you name any of Akira Toriyama's other works?
DBZ fanboy: Umm... uh... Vegeta rocks!!
Me: (sigh)
there are no rules in our cult besides the ones we make
cool cat 420: there are no rules in our cult besides the ones we make
cool cat 69: LMAO NOPE!
cool cat 420: there are no rules in our cult besides the ones we make
cool cat 69: LMAO NOPE!
Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
It's a phrase to highlight someone missing the point, purposefully or otherwise. It doesn't matter how good the play was, Mary Todd Lincoln watching her husband and then President of the United States Abraham Lincoln get shot in the head right beside her overshadows everything. It could have been the best acting ever but that's not what she was focusing on or what she'll remember.
In reference to the Aurora shootings
Person 1: "Oh my God, that's awful! Was the movie any good, at least?"
Person 2: "Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"
In reference to a controversial person
Person 1: "Yeah, Mike's an alcoholic, a tax cheat, beats his kids, and is a pathological liar – but other than that, he's pretty cool."
Person 2: "Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"
In reference to the Aurora shootings
Person 1: "Oh my God, that's awful! Was the movie any good, at least?"
Person 2: "Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"
In reference to a controversial person
Person 1: "Yeah, Mike's an alcoholic, a tax cheat, beats his kids, and is a pathological liar – but other than that, he's pretty cool."
Person 2: "Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"