
something that is extremely unusual and cause you mental pain or distress

horrific means something terrifically horrible very bad, unusual, not good
this absolutely horrific

(adj.) horrifible; a linguistic coalescent metathesis.

Something so horrifically horrible that this is the only descriptor your gibbering mouth can muster.
"But.. what.... that was .. horrifible...

- After your first 'OneGuyOneJar-ing'

- A failed attempt at completing ED's 'Offended' page

- Tomatoes in my fucking sandwhich.

Something that is more than horrible, terrible and awful. But in some ways is amazing and unexpected!

It is an adjective.

Synonym: Shitty situation that happened but that is amazing because it actually happened
Girl, " I heard your account on World of Warcraft got hacked!"
Guy, "Yea it's totally horrificating."
Girl, "Yes, it is totally horrible and unexpected and amazing that someone could actually hack it!"
Guy, "No, its horrificating because I know you hacked it because of that night with the cybering..."
Girl, "Ooh, true." *laughs meniacally*
Guy, "You are horrificating"
Girl, "I know."

Yeah, right? That shit is good isn't it? I mean... Not for the people I'm going to send there but, conceptually, yeah... It's a neat place. That's gonna be fun...
Hym "Yeah, I think there's going to be a restructuring once I'm in charge here. It's going to be cool but a lot more horrific then this is... On a different note, I don't give a shit about the outcome. I give a shit about being out of the thing I'm in. The idea that I'm demanding to be out and given free money and women and pills till the day I die is an absurdity. I want to not have to trade one cage of another. You are being a piss pants about the fact that I refuse to follow your rules. This is justification for whatever I do in response to it because I am the one who decide what I do in response to it. And what are the consequences? Is imposing the consequences worth more than what you'll lose? Noooo... No it isn't. You don't believe that for a second. And it should seriously bother you. It's should bother you that your neighbors are perfectly willing incur some collateral damage just to prove that the horde thinks it has the right to impose it's will on the individual. And you have literally said (word for word) that the court of public opinion isn't real! You see how closely you watch yourselves? No? How do you do that!? You're all so blind it's actually sad."

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