
A word assosiated with how one rates an objects usefulness, usability.

n. the existence or degree of the ability to be used or put into operation
The shattered bits of discarded beer bottles offer very little usability for those who drive; why, then, do people insist on throwing them on the streets?

Originally coined by Alex Linder of VNN fame, the term USAble disparagingly denotes United States citizenship while simultaneously implying that the individual to whom the term is applied allows themselves to be “used” for nefarious purposes contrary to their immediate interests as an autonomous human being.

While most USAbles are mere dupes, a minority of die-hards who truly believe government agitprop offer themselves up with utmost glee, so that they can be “shaped” and used up, like any other expendable commodity, by government institutions like public schools and the many branches of the military. To the government who commands them, the USAble is tossable, not unlike a used, pre-moistened baby wipe or a sheet of single-ply toilet paper.

Prominent examples of USAbles include (but are not limited to) public school teachers, U.S. military personnel, and adherents to contemporary evangelical Christianity. USAbles often spend inordinate amounts of time containing the cognitively dissonant thoughts that their relationship with the government may foster.

Although the USAble may experience temporary gains from entering into USAble-style relationships with the government, the ultimate endpoint of this type of relationship always results in unidirectional benefits, with the government being the sole beneficiary of said relationships. USAbles in the military frequently meet with combat-related dismemberment or even death while attempting to wheedle pittances like “college money” from the government they chose to serve.
I hope those mercenary-minded USAbles trudging around in Iraq come back with their writing hands intact; putting that “college money” to good use is going to be kind of hard if their arms have been reduced to twitching nubs by improvised explosive devices!

The degree of ineptitude which a country's military displays. Usually defined as number of casualties that said army suffers after the country's leader delares that war is over.
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being completely bungled, America's USability in Iraq has been about a 100,000.

An incorrect pronunciation and spelling of the word useable, mostly used by idiots during a presentations about dirty bathrooms.

Also used by people who either don’t care about what they are saying or if they want to get it over with whatever they are doing
Person 1: Well,we don’t have any soap in the bathrooms, making it usable
In persons 2’s head: ITS USEABLE YOU DUMB BITCH!!!!

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