-arts magnet high school located in downtown Dallas, TX and consisting of four clusters: music, dance, visual, and "theater"(nothing is really accomplished in this cluster except very rarely).
-safe haven to weirdos, specifically emo children sporting mullets and striped extensions; you are free to be whomever you would like to be in this place, and everyone will sadly accept you as you are
norah jones and
erykah badu are the reasons for living
-place lacking any kind of sports knowledge and/or skill, yet for some reason has a "coach"
-home of many druggies, and where druggies receive recognition for their art(which is generally done when
high as a kite)
-one of the few locations in the world where you can be an average looking guy but get a very hot girlfriend
-yo man, did you see that person walkin' down da street da otha day?
-ihh, yea!
dat fool look like she from Booker T. Washington High School wit dat
-DAMN! that biotch can DANCE!
-i know, right? dat
gurr BETTA GET IT wit dat Booker T. Washington High School STYLE!
-YO, dat boy ova thurr has no ballin' skillz!
-yeaa...i heard he went to Booker T. Washington High School. cut the playa some slack, ya feel?