by Tacolover82 on Sep 12, 2017 09:33:07
A nice caring guy. Everyone loves him and he has
tons of friends. When he talks to people he makes their day light up. Super funny. He can be a total
geek sometimes but it just makes him more likable.
Tons of girls like him but he doesn't even notice. He is one of the most amazing people and best friends you'll ever have.
by Kat- on Jan 02, 2018 07:56:27
The most hottest guy around. He has some big ass
curves and sexy abs, He also can
fuck 3 girls at the same time with his
HUGE dick
by Drumdude on Oct 23, 2014 08:02:37
by YT Small Temmie on Sep 04, 2017 10:51:18
An Amazing Person With A AWSOME Personality He's Fun Cute And Has Beautiful Eyes And Loves To Go Outside For A Bit And Maybe Run
For A Minute But Even If You Want To
Get Mad At Him Its
Really Not Possible!
He Did You See JaxOver There?
Girl: Yes He's Really Sweet Have You Seen His
Girl 2:OMG He Had
The Cutest Eyes!
by Dwight Schrute_77777 on Feb 03, 2020 20:13:50
Jax is the most
awesome person you will ever meet. He’s really nice, has a lot of friends and everyone likes him. He is very strong in his
faith as well. Since he is such a great person his
gf is always the best.
by dragon78 on Oct 30, 2012 04:47:09
The sexiest guy around. He has the biggest dick of them all. He has
tons of friends and will be always sucessful. He
has a heart though and always the best gf
by kpopily113 on Nov 06, 2018 10:55:32
A cute,
reserved guy who seems depressed when you're
strangers. He has
a cute laugh and adorable smile. His eyes are deep and dark, yet beautiful.
by Bitch I’m a godchurh on Mar 17, 2018 05:05:31
He’s so funny and inappropriate he’s gets
shit down he doesn’t give a fuck who you are he’s a
godlike statue who is the hottest person you will ever meet he gets every girls number
by Samcro on Feb 08, 2012 05:30:54
The hottest guy around. So handsome and bad ass but with a heart of gold. Often seen on a
motorcycle, getting
sh*t done and protecting his girl.
Strong sense of loyalty and
morals, will do anything for his family.