Saint Mark's
AKA your death.After
completing the mission Sayonara Salvatore, setting foot in this particular area will almost always result in instantaneous death by trigger-happy, shotgun-wielding
Leone Family gangs. Unless you have a beefy tank to drive around, you'll always be one shotgun blast away to your quick demise.
Saint Mark High School
by dfsgfnhs, on Mar 31, 2019 07:56:13
a gay school full of fags, def ran by Mr. A.
Potvin even tho never shows up for work. Vaping in the bathrooms is a must and bullying supply teachers is like a chore. Also known as
smhs in hoes insta
Saint Mark High School
by iWantToUnlive on Jun 26, 2019 05:02:57
A school full of
fake ass hoe's. They all fake. Vape strong, Bully supply teachers and most of all stand on desks and tables. 50% sports 30%
academics 20%
dumb shit
Saint Mark’s discount
by on Jan 05, 2021 09:26:55
Saint Marks School
by | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ) on Oct 26, 2017 03:50:57
A private school in
Southborough, MA.
Known for Hockey,
Juuls and it’s hate for
Occasionally something will happen there, but people will forget about it 2 weeks later.
Kid 1: You know that School in
Kid 2: Saint Marks?
Kid 1:
That’s the one!
Kid 2: What about it?
Kid 1: Some kid cut down a tree during
exam week and wasn’t asked back.
Kid 2: Dope!
Kid 1: Yussurie, that’s Saint Marks School for ya.