The sound

Sounding is the act of inserting a metal rod into your urethra. Sounding tubes are meant to be used medically, but some people figured out that they experience sexual pleasure from the act. The reason for this being that the sounding tube can reach very sensitive parts inside your penis that, if stimulated, can create some very intense orgasms.

To insert a metal rod into the penis to stimulate the urethra and create powerful orgasms. Is named after the Age of Sail maritime practice of Depth Sounding, the lowering of a rod to the ocean floor on a rope to determine the depth of the water.
"I finally convinced my wife to try Sounding, it felt amazing!"

To be sound: Irish slang. To be sound is a state of existence. It usually refers to someone who willingly does a favour, asked or not, although usually unexpected - Like when you ask for one rollie and your given two, or the bouncer to an over 21s let's you in when your 20.

Alternatively, "sound" can be used as an adjective to describe a genuine, nice person.
-Man, can I have two of those Rowntrees?

-Here, you can have the rest of the packet

- AW, sound!

i) An individual who might be considered "cool", or generally very likeable.

ii) As to say, "All is well"; "Very good" etc
i) "How ye' doin'?"
"Sound man, sound"

"You see big Davie? He's sound."

sound on
A video sent by a significant other of them climaxing with the sound on. It’s intended for theirs moans etc. to be heard
Baeee send me a sound on??

The Sounds
A very kick ass band from Sweden. They mix rock with new wave, and their singer is damn hot.
Maja Ivarsson, vocals
Felix Rodriguez, guitars
Johan Bengtsson, bass
Jesper Anderberg, syntheseizers
Fredrik Nilsson, drums

1. A noise.
2. A synonym for "cool," "awesome," originating in Liverpool, if I recall correctly. Either way, it's mostly used by Scousers.

Note: Please stop complaining about how we're getting the definition wrong, you yanks. Try looking it up on Wikipedia or on Google, you blithering twats.
- "Did you hear that sound, dear?"
- "The footy was well sound, weren't it, our Baz?"
- "You self proclaimed 'grammatically correct' yanks are not sound."

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