Vladimir Putin's

Vladimir Putin is a asshole, help Ukraine!

Vladimir Putin
A Limp Dicked asshole bent on the destruction of neighboring Countries, and if anyone disagrees with him he says "It's for Denazifying"
Fuck Vladimir Putin, that Fascist Prick.

Vladimir Putin
Some thirsty ass mofo who wants world domination
Vladimir Putin: We've seized Crimea and now we've got Ukraine in our hands, nothing can stop me now from world domination, MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Secretary: Uh- Mr. Putin
Vladimir Putin: WHAT, WHAT??? Can't you see I'm having my evil moment??
Secretary: Yes Mr. Putin, but to your dismay, Ukraine is winning the war.
Vladimir Putin: I-

vladimir putin
a former kgb member who is credited with bringing russia out of the soviet union. Apparently skilled in judo, sharpshooting, military commanding, singing, Modern Warfare, swimming, and invading Georgia, he is considered to be a prime candidate for the worlds most badass.
Vladimir Putin, that is who i want to be.

Vladimir Putin
Some mobster that somehow made his way to presidency and Russia, and enjoys posing shirtless while on horses. He also enjoys the following: Nukes, guns, soldiers, threats, racism, and Russia.
Some person: I've got an impossible task for you.
Some other person: Yes?
Some person: Go through all of the pictures of Vladimir Putin without barfing, dying of boredom, and/or losing your mind.
Some other person: O_O

vladimir putin
a russian zoophilic. in other words, he has sex with farm animals and makes for a fantastic debate topic. he also enjoys fondling ricebutts and encourages masturbation during public forum debates. long live putin!
ahh i'm thinking about headin down to the ol' farmhouse and gettin it on with a sheep vladimir putin style.

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