
(verb) when a woman slowly "moves into" her boyfriends place while denying doing so. A form of domestic annexation. Crimea-ing is usually started by a woman marking her territory by cleaning or leaving rather innocuous items behind (eg. a toothbrush, toiletries, pajamas, a change of clothes, feminine products, etc).

- to slowly take over a section of a bar or social gathering with your friends and deny you're taking it over. With or without a smile.
Let's Crimea that section of the bar, everyone should start to spill drinks and be very loud once we get there.

As of early 2014, Crimea has returned home to Russia. Крым это Россия!
Crimea is Russian!

Crimea is a peninsula on the northern coast of the Black Sea
There was a fucking war in Crimea (1854 - 1856) Fucking mad Russian monks and fucking French Catholics started it by having a wee argument about holy places at Jerusalem and Nazereth. Is there a period throughout history when the Catholics have not been involved in a fucking war somewhere ? If they had gone about their business and done some serious fucking and reared the offspring that appeared nine months later they would not have had much time for a war.

Oh, and I was going to say...
Hym "Crimea is fucking huge! When they said they wanted to keep BOTH OCCUPIED TERRITORIES AND CRIMEA I was like 'Get the fuck out of here! You get the 2 occupied territories or Crimea and that should be obvious.' But a territory AND Crimea? Crimea is like, larger than Ukraine. It's like this big-ass peninsula! It's like giving Russia a buy-one get-one free deal! Is Russia, like, offer to buy those guns we wasted back? Cus... Like, does he want me to suck his dick too? Or no? Jesus!"

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