
People who are from the country of Wales. Wales is a country in the UK, and its capital - as well as the largest city - is Cardiff. "Welsh" may refer to the people of Wales or their Welsh accent.

It's like belonging to any nationality.
You are proud to be where you are from, you have love for your country and long for it's comforts. The Welsh come from many traditions and patriotism is one of the oldest. And we have every right to be patriotic. We are a strong principality, despite the discrimination we face not just from out brother and sister neighbouring countries but by our Government. One of the oldest languages in Europe and the first people in Britain and we're still alive and fighting. That is something to be proud of.

I truly love my country. I am proud of everything it possess and stands for. Freedom. Unity. Patriotism. Talent. Love. And I may travel and move away from home, but I will NEVER forget the land I came from because, to me, it's the perfect home.
If being Welsh makes me a sheep shagger, a miner, an idiot with a stupid accent, gullible, thick and a down right fool then I proudly accept ALL of those stereotypes because I will never deny my root or what people believe to be my roots. I know different, and that's all that matters :)
Be proud to wave the flag of whatever country you are from :)

A race that is misunderstood by their neighbours the English due to their craftiness and intelligence. The English call the Welsh sheep-shaggers due to an old trick used by the Welsh against their gullible English neighbours in medievel times, when the English had a nasty habit of fucking sheep. When Wales adopted English law they noticed the penalty for shagging a sheep was less than stealing one (due to the English's habit) so whenever they were caught stealing a sheep they would instead say they were planning to fuck it instead to avoid the fine.
Therefore there is a very long list of crimes involving Welshmen shagging sheep, although it is only the English who would actually ever fuck a sheep, it is just another example of the Welsh tricking the English once again.
Englishman "You are going to have your hand chopped off with an axe because you stole a sheep."

Welshman "I was infact taking the sheep to fuck."

Englishman "Oh, thats good then our law endorses sheep shaggers. You will only have to lose a finger.

A race of people who are discriminated against by the English. A proud (sometimes stubborn) clever people who live in Wales. Because of poverty and discimination, many Welshmen herd sheep, farm, or mine. In America, Welsh immigrants are renown miners and and hardworkers, especially in Western PA. Never call a Welshman a welcher, or he'll kick your ass. Never call a Welshman english, or he'll kick your ass. The English discriminate against annd think they are better than the Welsh, so the Welsh don't like the english. The Welsh love shepards pie!
The Welsh are incredibly intelligent! Fuck yeah!

A cultured race of good people who keep getting put down by asshole Englishmen. Now, let me tell you right now, not all Welshmen hate the British. That is a stereotype. But a lot of British do hate the Welsh, as you can see by all those unprovoked sheep-"shagging" jokes.(Haha. Shagging. That's so fuckin British. What's the matter, "fuck" is too strong for you "well-bred" English?) I was flying on an airplane once, having a nice conversation with this British woman for most of the flight. Then I tell her I'm Welsh, and what does she do? She says, "oh, that's too bad." And she doesn't speak to me the rest of the flight. Whatever. I guess every race has it's assholes. Oh, and not all Welsh people tend sheep and mine, and like shepards pie. But I'll admit, a lot do.
If you're Welsh, don't back down to those bastards with their fuckin' old as shit sheep jokes. Just make something of yourself, and prove them wrong. I just realized that other Welsh guy is from Philly, too. Represent the Philly Welchers!

These people are acused of shagging sheep by their dim witted English neighbours. When they are accused of this, they reply "thats right boyo, I shag them and you eat them".
English dim witted fuck: "Yo Taffy you sheep shagger"
Taffy: "Ever wonder what the white bits on your lamb is that you enjoy eating so much? Your a welsh cum eating idiot"

The welsh are the people from Wales. Not Sheep Shaggers, who live in mines and work there too. Many people in Wales can actually speak Welsh (the language) and people should like the Welsh as they like most countries, (not England, but some people do.. SHOCKER!)
Now stop being so rascist and hug the nearest Welsh person near you. x
Welsh Person - "Hi, I'm Welsh, nice to meet you."

Someone else - "Ew. Sheep Shagger, who lives in a mine."

Welsh Person - "Actually, I don't. Don't believe everything you see on the Pot Noodle advert.."

Something from Wales, or the language of Wales - a small country of about 1m people, divided into counties.

A greatly successful tribe formed from people who originated from the mediterranean long before English and England was ever thought of. The Welsh language was spoken widely across southern Britain.

A few thousand years later the English took over what they called Wales and treated the Welsh rather badly. One great event was the Welsh Knot where children who spoke Welsh were made to wear a sign around their neck "Welsh Knot". Also laws were written in English only meaning that the Welsh could not understand them.

Due to this anti-Welsh attitute by the English the Welsh language was almost lost. A bible was written some years later in Welsh which is the basis of the modern Welsh language (Cymraeg).

Even in more modern times the Welsh are treated by the English as underdogs. England did not win the war! (WWII)

Some Welsh people dislike the English for very good reason. A lot of English people hate the Welsh - for no reason whatsoever.
Some English hate the Welsh because of their Welsh accents. They will never see that the worst accents in Europe come from the south-east of England.
He speaks Welsh.

He comes from Pwllheli, he is Welsh.

Welsh Assembly - current half-formed government for Wales created by Englishmen but not allowed to be taken further.

OK, I am Welsh. Does this mean I hate the English? NO. You know, just because I AM Welsh, doesn't mean I won't say this: There were many good people who happened to be English, and there were some bad. Does that reflect on them being English? No. Yes, there were some good people who were Welsh, too. Not because they're Welsh! English people, Welsh people, or anyone, can share something in common with anyone for being nice. Their Ethnicity SHOULD NOT MATTER.

I know it seems strange for a lot of people these days, but guess what, Ethnicity is just an accident of birth. Nothing else. Anything else, you can change. Why does it matter about your Ethnicity!? Because, guess what else, YOU CANNOT change your Ethnicity. Why do you need to, though?

I just think that some Welsh are good, and some are not. Not because they're Welsh, OK? Yes, I've had many friends who are English, and to be honest, even though I am Welsh myself, I've known more people from England than Wales.

But even if I didn't, that doesn't mean I can say that I know whoever is better!

Sorry if this wasn't such a definition, just wanted to make myself clear.
Welsh, people from Wales, that's it.

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