noun: A Woman of any age who boldly wears a little skirt or
short-shorts out of the house, but once in public she loses her nerve and then spends all night self-consciously
yanking and tugging said skirt/shorts down so that less of her skin is exposed.
This includes the wearing but constantly adjusting of:
Low-rise jeans, low-cut V-necks, plunging-neckline tops, half-shirts, belly-shirts, bare-midriff tops, partially-exposed underwear, clingy-dresses, bathing suits, and any other garments that might be somewhat revealing or that tend to
ride up.
Note: women should be sure they're comfortable before they leave the house in an outfit. Either you've got the looks and the confidence to pull it off, or you don't. But don't
pull on it all night!
Check out
that Blonde over there in that sexy
mini-dress, she's so hot...Oh, but look at how she keeps pulling down on her dress,....Yup, she's a yanker.
Too bad.