crap out

wen sumthing stops operating properly

crapped out
for something to die without sudden warning.
You couldn't imagine how pissed I was when I fired up my computer this morning and found out that my three week old 160 GB drive crapped out on me.

The act of forcing or sneakily releasing a fart that results in the inadvertant liberation of shit into one's pants. In crap-out situations, the crapper-outer is usually fully aware of the stakes prior to farting, and takes his/her chances anyway...a complete "separation" of the fart from the shit has never actually been realized.
Get me home stat, I just crapped-out.

phrasal verb. The act of forcing or sneakily releasing a fart that results in the inadvertant liberation of shit into one's pants. In crap-out situations, the crapper-outer is usually fully aware of the stakes prior to farting, and takes his/her chances anyway.
Get me home stat, I just crapped-out.

crapping out babies
Used pejoratively, to describe women irresponsibly having children for the sake of having children, without regard to how they'll be taken care of; or referring to women trapped in a subservient position, generally within a patriarchal or relgiious culture, in which she serves the function of a brood mare, forced to have many children to satisfy some standard that has been imposed upon her. The term implies that these mothers have no serious regard for their children or the responsibility of childbirth, but rather, like dogs or cats, simply let nature take its course. One woman who has recently been described as crapping out babies is Nadya Sulieman, the young Southern California woman who recently had octuplets, after already giving birth to six other children--all through fertility treatments.
"I'm tired of these welfare mothers crapping out babies just so they can get more money from the taxpayer"; "In many Middle East countries women are kept ignorant and barefoot, crapping out babies they can barely feed, just so their husbands can feel proud of themselves."

Crap out the hoof
To plan on going crazy, drinking a lot, dancing all night, having wild sex. Typical saturday evening stuff. Crapping out the hoof usually ends in a big headache and loss of memory the next morning.
Person 1: Let's crap out the hoof tonight.
Person 2: hell yeah!

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