in the shower

A place where you go to wash ur bum, but can be used for other things, including wanking, pornography shots, sleeping, and practicing oprah.

1. This is the place where you realize how lonely you are while also thanking about your life choices.
2. This is the place where you understand how the universe works and the people in it.
While I was in the shower I cried knowing all I am is a failure.


When used with ellipses, the act of showering becomes an insinuation of masturbation. When spoken, a pause is used and the voice is lowered to tacitly convey the message.
ex. 1-
friend 1: Is that a wocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

friend 2: Brb...shower...

ex. 2
friend 1: What are you doing with that magazine riddled with scantily clad women?

friend 2: I'm going to it.

A person who showers.
He is a showerer

Warm, wet water dripping onto your naked body, making you wet; whilst touching yourself up with a hand full of coconut and jasmine body wash. You look down to see your soggy, sexy shoes in witch are looking fucking mint. When you step onto the fuzzy bath mat you are dripping from head to toe. Your body is so damn moist.
'Stacy got out of the SHOWER'

A great place to jerk off when your a teenager and have little privacy.
Man i have a throbbing erection and i really need somewhere to explode my load! Hmmmm the house if full of people....

"I'm taking a shower!"

Alright party time! fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap stiffled groan

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