by theoneandonlymaincharacter on Jun 26, 2021 18:59:46
by peanutbutterjellytimeforrealz on Jan 03, 2010 15:29:34
by h faint on Apr 20, 2008 21:00:10
by habin on Jul 09, 2009 01:56:33
tee tee
by Scott1024 on Apr 18, 2006 14:02:03
When we would
go camping in the woods, and I had to tee tee, I would ask
my daddy, and he would tell me to go tee tee down by
the creek.
tee tee
by Marthakay on Sep 04, 2007 00:19:44
(verb) A very
genteel southern term for urination. Used for both sexes in childhood, used by women throughout their lives.
Tee tee comes from the
tee-hiny. A person who would use this term would never let the coarsely vulgar "pee" ever cross their lips.
"I have to tee tee so bad - I hope that
fat lady in the left stall and the woman with three little children in the right one will hurry up," said
Velva Mae to her sister
Venery Ann.
by Telephony on Dec 20, 2021 14:52:39
Tiffy, you're in Mrs.
Carmichael's lawn now. Go tee-tee! Go tee-tee!!!
{faint sound of a dog urinating
GOOD GIRL!!! Make that fucking
douchenoozle's lawn turn brown!!!
Serves her right for
pissing and moaning about my wheelie bin every goddamn week!
tee tee
by El Poopstersaurus on Jan 04, 2019 16:10:52
The tees
by MississippiIncenseMan on Feb 12, 2023 21:00:09