an externality is a cost or benefit resulting from an economic
transaction that is
borne or received by parties not directly involved in the transaction. Externalities can be either positive, when an
external benefit is generated, or negative, when an external cost is imposed upon others
by Erin liu on Feb 11, 2016 04:28:14
External Cyborg
by cubedspace3 on Feb 22, 2010 15:24:18
A person who is carrying so much electronic equipment that if it was within their
body cavity, then they would be considered a
cyborg. Most often they are carrying more
electronics than they'd ever need, and a significant percentage is actually redundant.
For example, a teenager with an IPOD,
TI-83 calculator,
wrist watch, laptop computer, and a
laser pointer. Therefore, this teenager is considered an External Cyborg.
For example, if you have so many electronics on hand that being pushed into a pool of water would drown you, and not because you can't swim. This is of course assuming all of the electronics were off when you were pushed into said pool of water. Only an External Cyborg would carry that many electronics.
external balance
by Abu Yahya on Feb 15, 2009 06:31:24
the current account balance; the net flow of liquid assets to the citizens of a particular country. The external balance includes the trade balance, net
foreign factor income, and net foreign aid *received*. Usually the main cause of an
external deficit is a
trade deficit.
external examiner
by The Gonzo Lecture on Mar 26, 2010 04:21:12
Someone appointed from another institution by a university to question every little, trivial detail of an
assessment or graded paper in order to justify their own hefty
stipend, make lecturers' lives annoyingly miserable (thus reminding them they are still only employees) and to
feign the appearance of academic quality.
Elvira: Leo the external examiner has returned your examination for review because some of the questions require
commas to be added. Make sure you do this before you leave the office at 2.30pm today.
Chuck: If all Leo has to do for his money is correct my grammar, then I'd be grateful if you'd ask him to stick that examination paper up his
fat arse.
external deficit
by Abu Yahya on Feb 15, 2009 06:25:28
a current account deficit; a negative net flow of liquid assets to the citizens of a particular country. The
external balance includes the trade balance, net
foreign factor income, and net foreign aid *received*. Usually the main cause of an external deficit is a
trade deficit.
External Frape
by Tom Salmon on Jan 11, 2011 08:54:47
The act of
Fraping (See
Facebook Rape) someone without being logged onto their account.
Frapes can include; Excessive liking of pictures, status' and comments. Or posting hundreds of video's or song lyrics onto the victim's wall.
This type of annoyance is particularly useful to Iphone/Blackberry Holders, as they will receive Email/text notification to their phones.
Wish Tom would
bunt now! External Frape is so annoying, keep receiving notifications to my
Oh well, Off to bed!
external balance
by Abu Yahya on Feb 15, 2009 06:31:55
the current account balance; the net flow of liquid assets to the citizens of a particular country. The external balance includes the trade balance, net
foreign factor income, and net foreign aid *received*. Usually the main cause of an
external deficit is a
trade deficit.
external peristalsis
by dashoaa on Feb 24, 2008 17:30:15
external ejactulation
by veedee on Jul 01, 2006 10:03:01
after sex you ejactulate into your
womans face when she
sleeps, this is the act of external ejactulation