
Finally ; in the end / At most basic level

The Ultimate
'The ultimate' is the ultimate state of boredom where you decide to do all the letters forwards and backwards, then go diagonal backwards and forwards, then numbers forwards and backwards. Like so, qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewqplokmijnuhbygvtfcrdxeszwaqwaeszrdxtfcygvuhbijnokmpl1234567890987654321
Asha: *sigh* im sooo bored
Starts to do 'the ultimate' on her laptop in class.

The Ultimate.
A rare breed that travels among the humans, blending into their society by taking on their appearance. Many people consider Chuck Norris to be one of the Ultimates, but he cannot even compare to an Ultimate. An Ultimate is what created the Titans, which created the Gods. An Ultimate can ignite the polar ice-caps Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door, but an Ultimate can slam Chuck Norris. An Ultimate knows all the names of the people in Anonymous. An Ultimate beats all the worlds records in the first hour of his day....everyday.

An Ultimate bleeds liquefied diamond. An Ultimate rolls his eyes at the phrase "Rome wasn't built in a day", as if that's something difficult for an Ultimate to do.

The Ultimate are not born through the womb of a human. Their origin is unknown, one can only know when an Ultimate is coming when they see a shooting star.

One of the religious icons known as Jesus Christ is famous for walking on water; little does the religious group know that Jesus learned it from an Ultimate.

Adamantium is the closest thing that the human race can think of that is almost comparable to being as strong as an Ultimates skeleton.

An Ultimate can freeze the sun and breathe in open space, we are the top dog, we are all seeing, you may be king of the hill, but we ARE the hill, and we can break in half at any moment, swallowing you and crushing you instantly; we are the elite race, we are the strongest breed, we are amazing, we are immortal. We are.....Ultimate.
Example 1:

The person: *watching dragonball z* WOW! Goku's such a beast!!! how does someone get slammed in a mountain 50 times, shot by beams of incinerating raw energy, and struck in all vital bodypoints by thousands of pounds of pressure and still survive????

The Ultimate.: It's not that hard...

Example 2

The person: Did you hear their evacuating the country? A tornado the size of Texas is expected to destroy it all to dust?

The Ultimate: *gets hang glider*
Example 3

The person: Damnit this email gave my computer a virus! Now I gotta pay a hundred dollars to geeksquad!

The Ultimate: *opens the email on his computer, causing the creator of the virus to spontaneously combust*

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