Back to school

The most hated word! A word that every single kid is terrified off!

Back to school
The phrase you dread seeing most in the summer holidays when you go into town for uniform shopping. Why on earth should stores torture you with a reminder that schools just a few weeks away?
I went into Pound Stretcher and saw what i dreaded most, signs saying 'Back to School'.

Back to School
Almost like a holiday season, it takes place between the last 3 weeks before school starts and the first 3 weeks after school starts. Major corporations like Walmart and JCPenny feed off your moms money and encourage more of it with their abysmal advertising of back to school sales. Your parents seem to tease and taunt you that school is on its way to the point that you'll want to vomit uncontrollably.
Do you need an example? Alright, just see either school middle school or high school. See also: wal-mart and dollar general.

Back To School Blues
The feeling one gets when as the holiday draws to the end and people start to remind eachother of the coming school days, people wonder where the time went and dread that they have forgotten everthing.
example) A:"Hey man can you believe the holidays are over? i mean where did the time go?"

B:"i don't know man, i think i'm coming down with the Back To School Blues"

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