A Buzz

Another term for vibrator. Available in a wide variety of sizes, colors and features.

That you are drunk but you can still function. You feel good, but you are not too drunk where you need help getting home and such.
"yo bro I'm feeling pretty buzzed right now I should probably stop drinking before I get too drunk"

the buzz
Hype, word of mouth.
Ben Affleck-The buzz is indicating this is gonna be big

Jason Mewes- what buzz?

Ben Affleck- the internet buzz

Jason Mewes- what the fuck is the internet?

See the internet

the buzz
When you're drinking alcohol, hear a tune with a great beat and get that really excited feeling in your stomach along with a massive urge to dance all night. When you get the buzz, you HAVE to go out and go to clubs so you can rave away for several hours.
This is a great song, I've got a serious case of the buzz. Let's go out!!

1. Excitement, hype, cool gossip, thrill, joy, exhileration, tantilizing!

2. Something that creates excitement, hype or a thrill!

3. Something that generates hype, cool gossip, talk, exciting rumors.

Alt. Definitions:
4. A haircut, usually more specifically a very short haircut, crewcut, or a haircut that cuts off all the hair with a quick military style trimmer, leaving only short stubble.

5. To clip, to cut, to shave, to snip, to remove, to mow

6. Short, bald, shaved, cut off, clipped, shorn

7. Phone call (or sometimes an email or text message)

8. To call on the telephone, email or text message, to give a "ring" or a "jingle"

9. Vibrating sound or noise, hum, jolt (as in electricity)

10. High (as in from alcohol or drug use) or euphoria (a feel great state produced naturally--perhaps by an adrenaline rush--or artificially through the use of an alternative substance including caffeine or other legal or illegal substances.
Example for Definitions 1-3:

A popular photographer in Merrill, WI, uses the phrase "Catch the Buzz" to elicit excitement and generate hype about her photos.

Example for Definition 4:
Guy 1: "Hey, man, why'd you shave off all your hair?"
Guy 2: "Didn't you hear? I joined the Army, so they gave me a complimentary regulation buzz!"

Example for Definition 5:
Son: "Dad, can I go downtown to play basketball with the guys?"
Dad: "Sure. But not until AFTER you buzz the lawn."

Example for Definition 6:
Girl 1: "Can you believe Ashley cut off ALL her hair?"
Girl 2: "Yeah, she got a buzz cut for St. Baldricks to support cancer research! I've got to give her a lot of credit. That takes GUTS!"

Example for Definition 7:
Teen #1: "What are you doing tonight?"
Teen #2: "I'm not sure yet. But I'll give you a buzz later, ok?"

Example for Definition 8:
Girlfriend: "So, are we going to the movie Saturday night?"
Boyfriend: "I'm not sure yet. I'll buzz you when I find out and we can talk about it then."

Example for Definition 9:
Can you hear that buzz? I think we have a fly in the car.

Example for Definition 10:
Worker 1: "I am so tired this morning. I didn't get any sleep at all last night."
Worker 2: "Go grab a Mountain Dew or some other soda with a lot of caffeine in it and catch a buzz or you'll never make it through the day!"

Means that you have begun the process of entering an alcoholic beverage into your system. You are now ready to begin step two: drowning yourself in booze. After step two is complete you may feel very happy, and it might be a little hard to walk, you have now completed the process and you are officially drunk. Congratulations.
For Example: Sara was drinking, and felt buzzed and she heard a phone ringing, and picked it up but no one was there. Lacie and Becky told her she wasn't buzzin she was ringin. Kids if something like this happens to you, then you know you are ready to move to step two!

1. Anything that creates excitement or stimulus.
2. The feeling experienced by someone in a stimulated state.
3. Gossip.
1. "Shooting people is my latest buzz."
2. "That's nothing compared to the buzz I get from speed."
3. So what's the buzz about Michael Jackson's new baby?

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