Pushing p
Pushing p
This word means, A man that gives gawk to a 1 inch penis with oysters and incecream on top with a hot sensaicon two males making there penises kiss.~ @cece2dopee
Pushing p
Pushing p
Being a real nigga. Be true to yourself and your people and everything will fall into place. Stand 10 toes on everything you say and never switch up. Respecting the universe and everything around you. Chasing that money and staying out the way of goofy business.
Pushing p
After you have a business and you start hiring employees, when you own a couple real estate properties, making boss moves
Yo, bro poncho pushing p did he just spend what you reup with at the bar just on drinks last night!
Yo, bro poncho pushing p did he just spend what you reup with at the bar just on drinks last night!
Pushing p
Idek what that shii means but I ain’t telling u if I did. Check out that vid of gunna but that won’t help either.