Vulgar, of bad taste, loud, flashy,
stupid and ugly. Bogans and female chavs often display outrageous tackiness without an ounce of shame. A vestimentary choice that says "I'm an ignorant, tasteless idiot and I'm pretty proud of it,
thank you very much". A way to show your economic and intellectual poverty by dressing up in a way that immediately grabs attention, but also stabs you in both the retinas. A
tacky person not only obviously lacks taste (and doesn't give a fù*$) but also really, really stands out in a crowd, and not in a good way. Someone who is very bad at basic fashion and has a totally delusional innate sense of self worth.
by Obunga on Jul 23, 2018 00:42:54
Object of fashion that doesn’t fit or looks
odd. Also known as
kitch. Something
lower class people wear.
by wazzmo on Jan 28, 2009 19:48:25
A popular
playground manouevre in Liverpool. Tackying is the act of rubbing one's hand on arse-crack,
grundle and
ball-bag before rubbing it in somebody's face. the Tacky is a punisnment reserved for only the worst of playground Knob-shines
A typical situation in which a Tacky would be administered:
"did you hear what
Smigger was saying about
your ma?"
"Yeh, I Tackied fuckin
by Rick Picket on Aug 06, 2015 03:53:29
by eViL pOp TaRt on Jan 25, 2006 09:07:14
In bad taste. This usage, as opposed to the physical description, originated in
the rural South but has
since been adopted for use
nationwide and in urban settings.
by thesoberbitch on Feb 07, 2019 16:04:16
self inflicted vomit, done usually by sticking your fingers down your throat. mostly done in the nature of a party scene when one had just had a lil too many shots and wants to
munt it but can’t naturally.
“Woah dude she was soo
smashed last night, did you see her
Nah dude, it was a tackie, doesn’t count”
by Lisa Curran on Apr 04, 2005 22:44:20
by lexicon on Jun 18, 2003 06:52:47
gaudy, flamboyant, and
flashy in
wearing lots of gold jewelry;
pimp-like appearance;
by Potion9 on Jun 15, 2010 02:59:45
by siobhanjones on Dec 03, 2004 02:46:06
something tacky is somthing you turn your
nose up at, unless your a tramp, it is usually cheap, breakable, and not worth alot. townies look tacky most of the time, wearing plastic soverign lookalikes
20p from that machine in the
chippy.(now thats tacky!)