a crush
When someone likes someone else a lot, they may refer to the someone else as their crush. Crushes are interesting because of their varieties. I’d like to offer two different types of crushes for now.Little crush. This
first crush is on someone
the crusher doesn’t know well. It could be
infatuation, appreciation of appearance, a desire to be friends mislabeled, or simply an admiration of the idea of someone rather than who they are. When the crusher learns more about this person, they may lose their crush, reaffirm it (see the second type) or discover
the crush was mislabeled. Instead of specifying a different type of crush for mislabeled platonic wanting-of-friendship, it’s included in type one because typically the cause is the same:
The crusher doesn’t know the crush well or is unfamiliar with separating these feelings. Even if this little crush feels intense, it still is considered little because there is little to go off of.Big crush. When the crusher knows the crush well and has developed a crush or previously had a little crush on them. Feelings are more
fleshed out here, as there are reasons behind the way the crusher feels, even if they can’t name it. However, the crusher should be able to point out specific things they like other than appearance that they like about their crush like actions, hobbies, opinions or little things. Someone with a little crush can do this too, but they don’t know the person as well.
a crush
by Girl with a dream,to get pizza on Jul 15, 2017 17:59:38
A person you initially and
willingly stalk (on social medias and irl tbh)
s/he is the only person you can think about and deny it later to your friends
by WarHammer97 on Jan 18, 2016 07:22:00
A secret
burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special, with whom there's low
or no chances at all of being a couple.