April 7
Best day to be born. I was born on this day and I swear I'm not
biased. I can
confirm that anybody born on this day is amazing. If you're friends with someone born on April 7, consider yourself lucky to be friends with such an angel. Never let them go, they are the best thing that will ever happen to you.If you just so happen to be born on this blessed day, I consider you my best friend. I love you.
April 7
by Wolfyy555 on Dec 27, 2019 00:18:02
Heyy its April 7!!
Person2:soo what?
Person1:Its national dont
go to school day🚗💨📚
April 7
by yoyoyowhatdouknow on Jun 14, 2019 14:34:33
April 7
by Usemydefinitionwithfriends on Nov 04, 2021 08:58:17
April 7
by destroyer12312345 on Nov 04, 2019 15:23:10
Don’t let anyone think it’s a bad birthday because it’s the opposite just
live life and be happy with your birthday and remember.... April 7 is the best so
no-one can tell you theirs is better because who ever says that...Well
April 7
by Popiq on Mar 26, 2021 17:56:39
April 7
by Arbysmeats on Apr 08, 2021 04:06:44
April 7
by Hannah220034 on Oct 29, 2019 02:32:20
April 7
by DantheTrueMan on Oct 18, 2019 12:47:40
Offical crackhead day! The one day of the month when total idiots and retards are born. But don’t let that shit fool you! Today is the day you show some love for your local crack heads! Do something stupid with one of these people to show your love! They are great friends, amazing retards and the best of walking crack. I guess you can call them
April 7
by Drama king on Nov 17, 2019 11:35:13
Hey did you hear
that kid was
born in April 7?
Other person: yea I can tell because he is