A person who professes superior self knowledge but really has only a limited and/or skewed grasp of any subject. These people often float from the bottom of the turd bowl in the form of a middle manager. Fuck-wit detection is fairly easy after about 30 seconds of conversation.
Me: "The problem is the third party vendor for product A, they are recalling their product from this particulat LOT"
Fuck-wit: "Well we are not buying from product A any more"
Me: "Um, well it is not their fault, their vendor is recalling the component"
Fuck-wit, "I can't understand the bad business practices of Product A that they would buy bad components"
Me: "Um, they did not buy bad components on purpose, that is why they are replacing the component for free"
Me: "The problem is the third party vendor for product A, they are recalling their product from this particulat LOT"
Fuck-wit: "Well we are not buying from product A any more"
Me: "Um, well it is not their fault, their vendor is recalling the component"
Fuck-wit, "I can't understand the bad business practices of Product A that they would buy bad components"
Me: "Um, they did not buy bad components on purpose, that is why they are replacing the component for free"