At just about 6-8 weeks old, Shlomo was one of the youngest members of the “Texas 56”
Canaan Dog rescue that took place
April 7, 2021 , in
Montgomery County, Texas.He is only 1 of 3 intact males out of the Texas 56. This is extremely important for the continuation of the breed as there are less than 3000 of this 4,000+ year old ancient and rare breed in the world today.Once one experiences Shlomo then they have officially be shlomoed!
by 01001100 01101111 01100111 011 on Feb 22, 2021 08:22:36
by fartyman2 on Apr 23, 2010 04:50:23
1. An idiot who won't recognize he has not yet understood your side of the argument.
2. Somebody who is very arrogant and stupid, yet he will not ask for further explanation out of pride.
3. A douchebag that has a hard time understanding things. From the conjunction if the words "
Shmuck" and "
Slo-Mo" (as in
Slow Motion) because he is arrogant and slow (from the understanding approach).
"If you didn't understand any of the previous definitions and pretend to understand not to be embarrased by asking, beware, you might be a Shlomo"
- "And I kept trying to explain to him that every time he
blocks my
driveway I am late for work, but he wouldn't understand"
- "What a Shlomo"
by Jaquafius on Jan 12, 2021 11:43:09
Jaquafius: man, is that guy a Shlomo?
Jerrold: naw man, his crotch is black!
Jaquafius: damn Shlomo is a good
by Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy on Dec 03, 2021 12:10:21
Someone named
shlomo is usually an
amazing dancer, super outgoing, gets all the girls, is an
absolute legend, crackhead, super sexy, absolutely ripped and is just an amazing guy! If your name is shlomo you usually have all these traits
Yoooooo you’re
shlomo?!!! Omgggg we gotta go out sometime!
Yoooooo you’re shlomo?!!!
Broooo could I get a selfie
by Ytt11 on Jun 04, 2020 14:22:59
Shlomo from
waaaaay down
town baaaaaang!!!!!!!!
No Shlomo
by proooo on Mar 13, 2010 08:02:29
by skimper on Sep 30, 2006 04:32:16
by tyler gumpy on Jul 31, 2006 12:08:07
big meat gazer, fudge packer, goofy, jeff master,
salad tossing, adolescent that is a direct descendent from a long line of africans from the jimbajimba tribe
stefan is such a shlomo, he likes guys!
Jeff: Is that kid black?
Susie Q: No he's just a shlomo.
by luke skywalker on Oct 21, 2004 20:12:02