If she loves you she loves the hell out of you, she will defend you no matter what, or will do anything for you. She only likes people she considers genuine. If you don't like her do not waste your time, she will know and hate you more for
faking it. If she
doesn't like you she won't be mean, she'll be short with you. If you are rude to her once, you might as well be invisible to her. She loves people that yell the truth even if it's rude, like kids and old curmudgeons. She's really funny if you like an evil sense of humor. It takes a lot for her to
warm up but if she trusts you and likes you, you hold a special place in her heart forever.
She tends to be rather artistic, loyal as hell, excellent and tender lover, but a real brat when pissed off. For some reason extremely attractive to many, but hated by so many other ways.
Polarizing, either love her or hate her.