A weak oppressive British law made by some moron with
thin skin.
It's a law which banishes free speech and also allows people from other countries to verbally abuse you online, and if you say similar things in return, you get treated like a criminal by the police, while the low IQ individuals laugh their ass off at getting you in trouble over such
petty bullshit. And then the person/persons who caused trouble get away with it because the police are too lazy to do anything, and only care about punishing their own people.
In one case, the police threatened to arrest people on Twitter who were making fun of them by asking if they had anything better to do, just because the police were tweeting and bragging about those they had caught for minor drugs possession. Police have also warned not to make fun of prison mugshots or it could land you in trouble. It will probably soon be illegal to boo at someone in public in this shithole of a country.
Britain is fast becoming a snowflake paradise of the
Orwellian kind.
A weak pathetic little country full of cowards and vile
double standards by the law/police.
Person from America:
You're a cunt, piece of shit
go kill yourself. Get better at playing games because you are a retard my friend.
Person from the UK: You're the cunt now fuck off you fag.
Useless British Police: I'm arresting you on
suspicion of Malicious Communications.