Make her mind go blank
This is when you give overstimulate her sexually to the point where her mind literally goes blank, can be identified when you see her eyes rolling, her making an ahead face, etc
sit around with her thumb up her bum and her mind in neutral
1) The art of mucking around and generally getting nothing done.
2) Description relevant to the most common state of teenagers when they leave school
2) Description relevant to the most common state of teenagers when they leave school
Since Crissy left school, all she's done is sit around with her thumb up her bum and her mind in neutral
Since Crissy left school, all she's done is sit around with her thumb up her bum and her mind in neutral
Her mind
A very dangerous place, watch your footing, you can die very easy due to PMSED (Premenstrual Syndrome Emotional Disorder)