not the
"Not the" are two words that, once followed up by a
clause, call out something or someone. Usually, it's in a comedic sense but can and is used with negative or serious intention. The 'the' is
replaceable for names, words like 'y'all', pronouns, and other
verbs.Although its not quite clear where "not the" orginates from, it's mostly commonly used on Tiktok and Twitter.
not the
by x22e==e39yyh880ui=x__aft on Feb 26, 2021 09:50:08
"not the" and occasionally "not y'all" followed by a phrase is used to draw attention to something that is either
blatantly obvious or something that isnt funny. it is usually used by females on social platforms like twitter, tiktok, or instagram. its
fucking annoying when this is seen in the comments because literally nobody cares. most of the time other females respond to the comment with "fr" or some other
dumb shit
ashleyyy06_ on tiktok: "Not the
weirdos in the comments 😃✋"
emilyBLM_LGBTQ05 on twitter "Not
y'all assuming her gender 😃✋"
not the
by firstname.bunchofnumbers42069 on Dec 28, 2024 12:55:16
"Not the," followed by a
noun phrase, is an abbreviation of "Oh no! Not the," an expression of dismay. "The" can be substituted with other articles or determiners as fits the subject.
In familiar cartoons and movies it was employed as part of an over-the-top
dismayed reaction to a threat, as in the
Looney Tunes Cat and Bulldog cartoons: "Oh no! Not Happy Birthday! Not that! Please! Anything but Happy Birthday!"
In internet discourse it is mostly used in an ironic mode, expressing mock dismay at impotent threats, events or statements that are cringe, jokes that are too tryhard and so on.
"Take him to Detroit."
"NOT DETROIT!" - Kentucky Fried Movie (1977)
Wicker Man (2006)
Bender, believing himself a knight, picks up some pieces of silverware, and using his arm like a bow, starts shooting them at other characters.
Zoidberg: "Not the spork!" -
Bender's Game (2008)
"not the employer sending the application rejection letter on christmas LMAO" -- @TobyTheDerg
"You're losing 1 inch of hairline for that buddy" -- @Inero
"Not the balding hex LMAO" -- @Voxtrik