An old person. Senior Citizen, or elderly individual. Applied, but not limited to, those ages 60 or older. Durived from Teen Girl Squad by Strongbad.ointment
Rub me with some ointment.
Rub me with some ointment.
Ointment Nurse
A complimentary term toward a nurse who places ointment in the fornix of eyes after eye muscle surgery.
Doctor: “Ointment nurse.”... “Ointment nuuuuuurse.”
Nurse: I’ll be there in a second to place the ointment.
Doctor: “Ointment nurse.”... “Ointment nuuuuuurse.”
Nurse: I’ll be there in a second to place the ointment.
Sacred Ointment
a fly in the ointment
A minor irritation, or hiccup that makes a failure out of something that would otherwise have been a success.
There is always a fly in the ointment! My ticket matched all six white numbered balls, but didn't match the green Lucky Ball! Still scored one hundred thousand!!! I ain't mad at 'em!
There is always a fly in the ointment! My ticket matched all six white numbered balls, but didn't match the green Lucky Ball! Still scored one hundred thousand!!! I ain't mad at 'em!
Ointment and pee
What old people smell like