
Dimples u cant resist very friendly she has a attitude that will give u goosebumps she will make friends with u in a second likes to be single and says eww to the guys she doesn't like her hair is beautiful she's not one of those rainy clouds she is one of those who will make your day!-love ir Gurl-friend Karina 💕

1) go outside
-look up

2) the only thing know to science that has been made more beautiful by pollution
That's the sky?
Yep. Up.
That's one nice sky.
Yep, nice.

v. (with direct object)

To outleap, especially in the process of catching a flying object such as a disc or ball. Often associated with great embarrassment for the outleapt.
Onlooker: Wow, that 5'5'' kid just skyed the shit out of you!

Me: Yep.

Hangs over the heads of beings on the planet Earth. May also be present in many other areas of the universe, but is reffered to by different names. Generally, what can be seen when one is looking upwards and is not standing directly underneath any opaque object, or having their vision otherwise obscured.
The sun is shining in the sky- there ain't a cloud in sight.

A television provider that will charge you insane prices for around a trillion channels of which you will watch about 4 untill you realised the football/boxing/movie you wanted to watch has been moved to Pay per view so will have to pay another fee to watch what you have already paid for.

Also, will conituinly push the price up getting ever more untill you threaten to unsubscribe at which point they will give you a decent price. Simply offer to quit and just before they are about to offer you the package at full price threaten to quit again and you will continuly get a good deal. Thus proving that only charge the insane price because they can.

I havn't paid full price for 2 years:D
Let's see what's on sky, crap, crap, crap, oooo look, more crap

A rear wheel drive 2-seat convertible roadster from Saturn built on GM's Kappa platform, shared by the Pontiac Solstice. Set for release ~ April 2006
Damn the Sky is so much cooler than the Solstice...

paradise for TV lovers. Probably has about 53890279032850943 channels. Accounts for about 90% of obesity probably.
Person 1: "Get up, you've been watching that Sky all bloody day!"

Fat person: "Shut up, the re-run of an episode of Jerry Springer that was filmed in 1995 is on!"

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