To communicate is to express oneself to another, so that the recipient agrees, ACTS on the agreement and improves the universe. It doesn't mean to talk, or to say something and the hearer says yes or no. She/He/It must respond positively and do something to get us out of the cancerous cycle we are in. It is interesting to note that this is the first entry in the Urban Dictionary for this word. If there were any communication, the world would not be as it is. Anyone who has anything to communicate is executed, imprisoned,
institutionalized, or marginalized. This is the system that keeps those in power to stay in power.
If you feel you have something to communicate please add to the definition; maybe we can escape
the cave of
plato, and the world can change.
Eddy said "lets organize a people's union to change the world." He was heard, three billion people joined and ended up working for
six hours a year for a middle class existence.
Eddy said "lets organize a people's union to change the world." He was heard, three billion people joined and ended up working for six hours a year for a middle class existence. Eddy was the first person in
twenty-four hundred years to communicate.