to school

an umbrella verb for all the physiology-studying, paper-writing, midterm-on-the-last-day-of-class-before-the-final-taking, and organic-chemistry-mechanism-drawing that school entails

The last remaining institution child labor laws do not cover.
1. my kid stayed up 'til 3am last night completing an algebra project composed entirely of letters. WTF?!

2. I love 40-hour weeks when I'm 13 years old!

3. social life, family life, and sanity: kiss them all goodbye at the opening of the school doors

A complete and utter waste of precious childhood.
You wake up at six in the morning to go to a building which resembles a federal prison. There, you go from class to class, repeating the same thing over and over every day. You get obsolete, inconsequential bullshit shoved down your throat by people who are only there for the money and time off. Then, you get tested on this bullshit, and if you fail because you don't understand, then that's too bad, which totally defeats the purpose of learning anyways. Meanwhile, you are forced to interact with mindless clone bot teenagers who only care about drugs, sex, and the mall. And if that's not enough, they send you away with more bullshit, also known as homework, to do during your only free time at home when you could be pursuing your own interests that might at some point be relevant to the life you want to lead instead of the one the fucking government chooses for you. In the future, you will never need to know quadratic formulas and geometry unless you plan on becoming a mathematician. To sum it all up, school is a big competition to weed out the "smartest" people who the government hopes will one day take reign over their cesspool of fucking moronic imbeciles which is leading our country to hell. Our only hope is that one day someone who can see through this will break free from this penitentiary and make some much needed reforms.
If you ever need to know anything they teach you in school in real life, there's this nifty little thing called GOOGLE.

Did you know that school actually is the same as prison?

1) you may not leave the schools area. 2) you cannot have any weapons on you. 3) you are not allowed to use violence on anyone (not even the teacher) 4) you shall listen to the teacher. 5) you are stuck with the same people day in & day out.
"How was school today, honey?"

*whispering* "you mean prison right?"

"What? I could not hear you"
"It went fine"

The mandatory hellhole where you're forced to go for 14 years. Often full of teachers that bore you out of your mind and bombard you with this useless crap you will never need (such as the dreaded things called homework or coursework), bratty wannabe gangstas who think they rule the world, dog-shit cafeteria food that moves, and a fuckton of other things that make it seem like somebody decided to put education, hell, and prison all in a blender and then the result is these compulsory things called "schools".

If you think that you couldn't learn anything without the help of compulsory school, maybe you never thought of alternatives. And free education? I spend 100-200 on school crap each year, so don't bombard me with that chestnut. And the next person to mention flipping burgers can hop on the school bus and go to hell.
Student 1: I hate school!!
Student 2: Agreed
Teacher: *hears conversation*
Teacher: You both have detention for 2 weeks!
Students: WTF!

a huge fucking waste of time and effort. half the crap you learn, you just end up forgetting. you are forced to work on pointless worksheets you seen 3 years ago while listening to annoying assholes try to be funny. you never end up being with any classes with your friends. sit by yourself and everyone assumes you are quiet. ususally the classes are filled with fat bitches and assholes that you try to ignore. they talk out in class while you are taking notes so your parents dont beat your ass, and they stop the teacher and bring them to talk about their fucking cats itching problems. half the time you have no fucking idea what is going on from spacing out and fail that test. when you come home all you want to do is sit down and rest but NO theres fucking homework that if you dont finish you will fail. and then your parents will threaten to send you to a fucking private school across the country. and if that doesnt work they will throw your tv out the window/computer down the stairs.
billys dad: where is your homework?
billy: ...oh that..i forgot becuase i was watching the news for civics
(tv crashes through window)

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