the light

very light green marijuana with red hairs also known as Hydroponics.

adj. used to signify to a friend in public that you think a particular girl is sexable. meaning that you would fuck her with the 'lights on' rather than off.
guy A: did you see that latin chick? totally lights-on.

guy b: latin chicks are a lights-off for me dood.

guy A: what about asian chicks?

guy B: hellz yeah! spotlights-on!

Light can be used to describe many things, like a person's personality, overall goodness, or as a state of mind. Light is what exists, what will exist and what always has existed, and nothing can change that no mater how hard someone tries. People can try to remove the light from their being, but none can trully do it. No matter how dark a person's outwardly appearence, the light will always be there deep within that persons very soul. Shrouded be darkness, it will still shine bright, waiting for it's time to rise again. For the truth is that darkness cannot exist without light. They are like two sides of a coin, coexisting with one another. Sure one side may overpower the other at times, but that side cannot be completely consumed. So can be said for the human heart... no matter how much a person grieves and hurts, and no matter how empty that persons life feels, the light will still remain, deep within that persons heart as hope, and will wait in patience until it is called uppon to return to the surface.
When the light returns, all of those feelings of pain and anguish will be replaced with feelings of joy and remorse. That persons life will once again be filled with the happiness he felt long ago.

An incredibly talented singer/songwriter from Timmins, Ontario. LIGHTS Poxleitner was recognized for rad her synth- pop skills with a Juno award for the song Drive My Soul. Also known for her artistic abilities (especially drawing comics), LIGHTS does all of the artwork for her albums.

Sometimes referred to as the female equivalent of Owl City, this talented young woman's success was launched on MySpace. Common hobbies include: playing WoW, hanging out with her tarantula Lance, making vlogs, and being made of awesome.
girl 1: I just went to the LIGHTS concert - she sounds amazing live!

girl 2: epiq, in fact.

A form of darkness that isn’t visible.

Here’s how to see it. Imagine it’s not your eyelids which move when you open your eyes, but the rest of you which opens. Where are you? Close by. You’re always close by. If there are colours beyond the visible spectrum, ultraviolet, infrared, are there other forms of dark? Colour is a sound, just a very fast sound just as sound is a slow colour. Silence creeps over you like the sunlight on your skin, and you aged eight, lying outside in the garden, your mother calling from the side door, come inside it’ll soon be gone.
Here’s how to see it. Imagine it’s not your eyelids which move when you open your eyes, but the rest of you which opens. Where are you? Close by. You’re always close by. If there are colours beyond the visible spectrum, ultraviolet, infrared, are there other forms of dark? Colour is a sound, just a very fast sound just as sound is a slow colour. Silence creeps over you like the sunlight on your skin, and you aged eight, lying outside in the garden, your mother calling from the side door, come inside it’ll soon be gone.

1) the form of electromagnetic radiation that acts upon the retina of the eye, optic nerve, etc., making sight possible
2) brightness; illumination, often of a specified kind
3) the light from the sun; daylight or dawn
4) mental illumination; knowledge or information; enlightenment
5) a person whose brilliant record makes him or her an example for others and yourself. A person who brings light into your life
1)if it wasn't for light, we as human beings would have no sight
2)The light in the room was blindingly bright, their eyes took a moment to adjust to the intensity of illumination
3)sunlight allows for photosynthesis to occur. Without this natural solar resource, flora and fauna would not survive.
4)the life of Nelson Mandela as a activist brought to light as to how one individual with a sincere heart and pure intentions can single handedly make a staggering difference to a nation and to the world as a whole.
5)My grandma disclosed a secret she had kept locked in her heart not telling a single soul which had shattered her life.When she was 18, she had been physically and verbally abused by a trusted person in her life at that point in time.Her life broke apart when that person sexually assaulted her (i knew what she really meant by that) and left her destroyed.She blamed herself for years, felt guilty, lost trust in men,lived in fear but she swallowed her pain. but prayer brought back faith that there was a reason for her to continue breathing.I then asked her who it was that brought light back into her life.She smiled and replied, 'I met a man who showed me what true love was. He became the light in my life.His love has given me hope, light and he put my past behind us. He gave me reason to believe. He is the light that eradicated the darkness of my past'. I hugged my grandma, turned to my granddad and thanked him for being the light in my grandma's life.

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