
A feeling that is indescribable to those who have not felt it, and needs no description to those who have. That desolate feeling of being left out, left behind, and being all alone forever. This not only applies to girlfriends(though they bring the strongest effect) but also major life changes - graduation, deaths, etc... It is that hole that appears in your heart, which cannot be filled by your efforts alone. In such a case, crying occurs and is often encouraged as it heals the soul.

1. An adjective describing one who finds him or her self looking up words such as lonely on urbandictionary.com because he or she misses his or her loved one, or has not yet found one to be named as such.


2. 12:42 a.m.: Sitting in front of a computer in the dead of night, wondering where the girl that you've fallen madly in love with is and most of all, why she's not here, next to you. Usually this condition can be cured by random yet enthusiastic reiteration of the phrase: "I love you, Diana!"
I am feeling lonely without you.

One of the saddest feelings possible. It can be from not having a partner, not having friends, or not having either. A lonely person can be very sad, and won't have anyone to comfort them. It can be hard to break out of loneliness. Some people are lonely for years at a time, or maybe just one night.
He just moved away from home and has no friends, he must feel so lonely. Let's go talk to him!

me: "I'm so sad and lonely"
absolutely no one "Aaaawww. That's sad. I will be your friend."

The feeling of despair and isolation suffered when you move to another location, have no friends, live alone far from any past family or friends. The feeling of constant pain and self personality criticism due to your situation and social inability to change your situation
Lonely is doing thinks which youve never done and feel embarrassed doing eg. getting drunk and clubbing alone, eating in resturants alone, binging from lonliness

Lonely or loneliness

it is a feeling inside our body that is has the same vibe as depression because we feel empty like we don't have a place in the world because we know that everyone doesn't like you,on one likes you,no one cares for you and no one will ever show you what love is.
"It is hard to love someone who has be alone for too long, because they have lived their life being lonely or alone"

What you become when you have no one to love and no source of positive emotions.
I am becoming very lonely as I have lost 3 girls to freaken extroverts, and it is driving me crazy, to the point that animal I have become describes me. I am full of hatred and cold it is getting so bad that i am starting to go insane. If I had one person ot love in a mutual relationship, I would not be so lonely and losing my mind.

The state one is in when one does not have a girl; the feeling of sadness associated with not having company of any sort.
1) I haven't touched a girl in months, which makes me very lonely.

2) I haven't seen my friends in a while so I feel lonely.

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