
a girl ages about 9-14...too old for toys, but too young for boys.Very easy to market to, will usually follow any fashion trend set for them, will most likely go through the phase of 'finding themselves' as they 'grow up'.

Mainly females, 9-12. They religiously believe that they are a teenager, although they are under the age of 13 (which is the true beginning of teenagerism) This is a confusing time, as they try many things and do many things.

Such as, they try to level up from small makeup things from Claire's to shopping at Sephora. They try to go to Hollister or Fitch instead of Justice or GAP. They try to level up from a plastic phone to an iPhone 6. Basically, they try to become a teen by visualizing their own stereotype of a teen.

Saying that, they do mess up in some areas by becoming drama queens, gossiping, even going as far as judging and bullying others who maybe don't do or have as much as them. The more mature ones, preteens, are fine. They stay casual, don't really fit in anywhere, don't gossip or judge, and maybe just calmly talking to someone or playing video games with a group of friends. They are kind of the odd ones, but the cools. (like me)

Tween 1: OmG, I SrSlY nEeD 2 gO 2 HoT tOpIc!!!!!!1111oneone
Tween 2: Y?
Tween 1: BeCuZ i Am Soooo EmO! I lUv 1d! tHeY r RoCk, r8?
Tween: ToTz.
Tween: YeAh, I HaVeN't eAtEn mY gUmMies 4 lyk DAYS!


Preteen 1: Hey, what did you get on your math test?
Preteen 2: I flunked, why?
Preteen 1: I got an A. Maybe I could help you study?
Preteen 2: Sure! When, though?
Preteen 1: After soccer practice tomorrow. How about that?
Preteen 2: Sure!


A word that is used by marketers to describe youths between the ages of 10-13. Although some believe that tweens are actually between the ages of 10-15. Despite the fact that tweens have always existed, marketers continue to lay claim to discovering them. The word "discover" is often misused, especially in a historical context. No one discovered the tweens. What marketers actually discovered was their purchasing power. Tweens will spend around 1.4 to 1.6 billion dollars in a year!
Reporter: Tweens spend 1-2 billion a year!

TV viewer says as he hand his 12 year old daughter $50. "Wow where did those 10-15 year olds get so much money?"

A made-up age group, ranging from about 8 to early teens, used by parents to justify why they are allowing their prepubescent daughters to dress and behave like sluts.
*: "Why is your nine-year-old wearing a midriff top, low-rise jeans, and eight pounds of eyeshadow and lipstick?"
Girl's mother: (taking a long drink of boxed wine and shrugging) "Why not? She's a tween!"
*: "She also has a tramp stamp."
Girl's mother: "I believe I just said she was a tween."
*: "I think she's sexting a college student."
Girl's mother: "TWEEN!"

8-13-year old's who are usually girls who try desprately to be a teenager but are still children. A product of celebrity influences. To qualify as a tween you must follow the four W's:

Watch the Disney Channel religiously.
Wear: as much makeup as your mother will allow you to and cake it on sloppily to try to look like you're a teenager; stuffed training bras.
Worship celebrities like Jesse Mcartney, Miley Cyrus, Hilary Duff, etc.
Worry that people will think you're NOT a teenager because as we all know the number one rule of tweendom is to ALWAYS try desperately to act like a teenager even though you're ages 8-13.
"I'm such a tween! I watch Hannah Montana! That makes me cool!"

"OMG, my mom JUST gave me permission to wear eyeshadow!!! Wanna go buy some lipgloss and eyeshadow, since that's the only makeup I'm allowed to wear?"

"OMG I soooo totally LUVED Hannah Montana's outfit on last week's episode! I just wish my mom would let me wear halter tops!! STUPID BOOBS! WHY WON'T THEY GROW?! MUST GO STUFF TRAINING BRA WITH TOILET PAPER!!!"

"OHHHH, JESSE MCNARTNEY IS SO HOT! He should sooo totally date Hannah Montana!"

"OMG, I so totally ran out of eyeshadow!!! Do you think that if I don't wear any this weekend people will actually realize I'm eleven, not thirteen?! OHMYGOSH, must go buy more!! GASP! IS THAT A ZIT?! YAYYY--oops. I mean, ummm, NOOOO! NOW CALEB WON'T ASK ME TO THE CLASS CHRISTMAS PARTY!!"

Most people expect these 10 to 12 year old girls to be prissy and annoying.... well at some times they can be (especially at 10) but they seem to be growing out of toys and getting more into boys! (oooh! that rhymed!)
person 1: Ah, yeah see that kid over there?
person 2: you mean that tween?!

The deference between a preteen and a tween:

Preteen: Someone between the ages of 10 and 13. Simple as that

Tween: Someone between the ages of 8 and 14/15, who in general:
Regularly watches disney channel
Need to follow the lastest trends
Almost exclusevely listens to pop
Omg Tpye LIK DIS !!! <3

Not all people in this age group are tweens, and it is extremely insulting to call someone(especially 14 or 15 year old) a tween or preteen if/when they are
Shara the disney channel lover: Perry...your 14...your a preteen and a tween!!!!!

Me(someone who does not have any of the above listed typicals of a tween): First of all, I am a teenager....second of dare you call me a tween!

8-14 year old's. Generally female. Trying desprately to be a teenager but still a child. Spends on average 1-2 billion dollars a year. A product of celebrity influences. Support celebrities such as Hilary Duff, Lindsey Lohan and Delta Goodrem.
Nearly all females in the tween age group. Use slang such as 'lyk' instead of 'like' 'h8' instead of 'hate', ect.

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