To do any form of
narcotic, as in marijuana, crack,
PCP, LSD, etc. The heat use this term when questioning a
suspected drug user.
by Anonymous on Nov 02, 2003 12:51:24
The Used
by Deb on Nov 02, 2004 14:48:14
The Used is an awesome band that
hails from
Oram, Utah. Their mellodic songs are enhanced by
Bert McCraken's (lead singer) ability to scream to perfection.
by Lauren G-Unit on Aug 06, 2006 06:45:03
no us
by stalindidnothingwrong on Apr 20, 2018 09:42:24
The Used
by etchasketch on Oct 23, 2003 10:04:37
a borderline un-genred unknown-by-many band from utah that first came out into
the mainstream public in summer of 2002, with lyrics about past experiences, love/relationships,
rocky friendships, etc. they kick so much ass is all you have to know. buy
the cd, bitch.
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU on Oct 10, 2019 01:47:44
"used to"
by just what I was thinking on Oct 10, 2007 08:38:04
I'm "used to" living in
the city since
I moved to it a year
ago from the country.
by JamaicanGirl on Jul 11, 2014 08:56:54
When a guy makes a girl feel like she is his world
one minute, and the Next minute he's
dropped off from
the face of the earth. If ANY man does this ladies, REALIZE.... He's JUST not that into you... And have the DIGNITY to trash his number and never look back...
The Used
by RockerBabe on Jul 12, 2003 07:52:23