
An abbreviation of the word abbreviation. Tweens and adolescent girls in general are known to use abbreviations of words such as "jeal" for jealous "quest" for question etc. They needed a common word for describing the language of talking in shortened versions of words.

Common abbreviation for `abbreviation'.
/*-breev'/, /*-brev'/ ........

shortened version of a word, place, get the picture
I speak in abbrev so no one can understand what the fuck i'm saying!

(ie Yoge's but first we gotta hit Dags & Stapes. Loves!)

the abbreviation of the word "abbreviation(s)", obvi.
-"do you know any abbrevs?"
-"totes, abbrevs are so legit right now, they're rad."

the result of taking removing all consonants from the beginning of one word up until the first vowel and replacing them with the first consonants of another to create an entirely new word, often redefining.
Some abbrevications are:
musical chairs = MAIRS
green pope = GROPE (redefining)

The slang language in which many words are abbreviated.
Shortly after learning the language of abbreves, Marie said to Elaine, "OMG! That new dress is tots faboo!! And those shoes are tots adorbs!!! Don't EVEN get me started on this new purse you just got at F21!!!!"

abbreve lang
"abbreviated language"
speaking in shortened versions of words in normal conversation.
note that this may only be used in words that can be broken down, like tabe, instead of table. not "reh" instead of red.

"Jees. I'm mad thirst. may i have some of your wat bott?"
"what? i dont understand your language"
important ( import. or imp.)
vacation (vaycaysh)
"Abbreve Lang is sweeping the naysh!"

abbrev ev
The abbreviated version of the words "abbreviate everything".

This is a movement among the younger generation, mostly with the goal of either shortening a text message, blog entry, forum comment, Facebook status, or tweet.

Some choose to "abbrev ev" because it can be quite funny if executed properly.
"I'm on a mission to ABBREV EV."

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