Snoof (Selfish New Object Orientated Flirtation)
(Noun) to analyse resources and be questioning with the objective of critical evaluation and / or personal gain
(Noun) one who snoofs
(Verb) the act of a snoof.
(Verb) Technical: the act of to capture unauthorised Wi-Fi packets, by sniffing around Wi-Fi networks for personal gain
Snoofa (Selfish New Object Orientated Flirtation Addict)
(Noun) a person addicted to snoofing
(Noun) as in ‘You have been snoofed.’
Slang: meanings “Case the joint” / “Check it out” / Make a killing” / Rip them off” / “Nick their ideas” / “Scam them”
(Noun) to analyse resources and be questioning with the objective of critical evaluation and / or personal gain
(Noun) one who snoofs
(Verb) the act of a snoof.
(Verb) Technical: the act of to capture unauthorised Wi-Fi packets, by sniffing around Wi-Fi networks for personal gain
Snoofa (Selfish New Object Orientated Flirtation Addict)
(Noun) a person addicted to snoofing
(Noun) as in ‘You have been snoofed.’
Slang: meanings “Case the joint” / “Check it out” / Make a killing” / Rip them off” / “Nick their ideas” / “Scam them”
• I think I have been snoofed meaning Ripped –off or Conned or Scammed
• They snoofed my pad meaning They cased the joint or were timewasters
• They snoofed my gen meaning They pinched my ideas, techniques and knowledge
To analyse resources and be questioning, with the objective of critical evaluation and / or personal gain
For example,
1. The act of seeking out and adapting a good solution from existing service providers.
2. To view real estate to compare and contrast with a similar real estate.
3. To view fittings, fixtures, furniture, contents and owners lifestyle, for critical assessment.
4. To view fittings, fixtures, furniture, contents and owners lifestyle, for possible future criminal activity.
5. To rummage through personal property seeking items to sell for profit.
6. To rummage through charity shops seeking items to sell for profit.
7. To window shop, seeking potential bargains and lower costs
8.To capture Wi-Fi packets, by sniffing around Wi-Fi networks for personal gain (see Wikipedia listing)
Snoofing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snoofing is a combination of the words snooping and sniffing as it relates to Wi-Fi wireless network discovery. Snooping is the act of capturing packets surreptitiously, where as sniffing is the act of looking for Wi-Fi wireless network
• I think I have been snoofed meaning Ripped –off or Conned or Scammed
• They snoofed my pad meaning They cased the joint or were timewasters
• They snoofed my gen meaning They pinched my ideas, techniques and knowledge
To analyse resources and be questioning, with the objective of critical evaluation and / or personal gain
For example,
1. The act of seeking out and adapting a good solution from existing service providers.
2. To view real estate to compare and contrast with a similar real estate.
3. To view fittings, fixtures, furniture, contents and owners lifestyle, for critical assessment.
4. To view fittings, fixtures, furniture, contents and owners lifestyle, for possible future criminal activity.
5. To rummage through personal property seeking items to sell for profit.
6. To rummage through charity shops seeking items to sell for profit.
7. To window shop, seeking potential bargains and lower costs
8.To capture Wi-Fi packets, by sniffing around Wi-Fi networks for personal gain (see Wikipedia listing)
Snoofing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snoofing is a combination of the words snooping and sniffing as it relates to Wi-Fi wireless network discovery. Snooping is the act of capturing packets surreptitiously, where as sniffing is the act of looking for Wi-Fi wireless network
The noise created from air being exhausted out of your nose due to humor. Not a full laugh or chuckle, but a satisfied exhale through the nose when hearing or seeing something funny.
The joke they told did not make me laugh out loud, but I couldn't help but snoof!
I snoofed when I saw a GIF, but it wasn't enough to make me laugh.
The joke they told did not make me laugh out loud, but I couldn't help but snoof!
I snoofed when I saw a GIF, but it wasn't enough to make me laugh.
When someone fills the straw (or other snorting device) with cocaine and blows it into whichever nostril is least congested while you inhale.
"I can't do this line, my nose isn't working anymore"
"I got you! lay down and I'll apply the snoof"
"I can't do this line, my nose isn't working anymore"
"I got you! lay down and I'll apply the snoof"
Guy:Can I eat your pussy
Girl: ok
Guy: Did your pussy just fart
Girl: Guiltyyyyyyyyyy
Guy:Can I eat your pussy
Girl: ok
Guy: Did your pussy just fart
Girl: Guiltyyyyyyyyyy
1. Dude Jarethy is such a snoofer. Just like Tyler Morrow.
2 and 4. I gots the snoof if u wanna get snoofed
3. That girl has been snoofing quite a lot lately.
1. Dude Jarethy is such a snoofer. Just like Tyler Morrow.
2 and 4. I gots the snoof if u wanna get snoofed
3. That girl has been snoofing quite a lot lately.
(v)To sniff vigorously