An abbreviation for the already very short word picture. It is used by lazy people, n00bs, and conformists.
lazy n00b: hA i LyK uR pic.
intellegent being: Was that even remotely english?
lazy n00b: iM DuN uNdUrsTAn uR
lazy n00b: hA i LyK uR pic.
intellegent being: Was that even remotely english?
lazy n00b: iM DuN uNdUrsTAn uR
THe pwnage.
Pic Pic
A Picture of A Picture
pic for pic
"pic for pic?" basically means the person who asked the question wants to swap nudes like a boy sends a picture of his penis and in return gets a picture of the girls breasts and vagina or it could even be just one of the two. (preferably over snapchat so you know if the person has saved them)
boy "pic for pic?"
girl "yeah sure!"
(-(girl sends nude, boy sends nude back)-)
boy "thanks!"
girl "no problem!"
boy "pic for pic?"
girl "yeah sure!"
(-(girl sends nude, boy sends nude back)-)
boy "thanks!"
girl "no problem!"