manifest destiny
A half-baked thoery that the USA could do
as the fuck it liked. In practise, it got land and the begginings of an empire by paying for it before it started a revolution against the European powers that
owned it. When the USA did try and
annex Canada, a small number of the British army and a few thousand Canadians beat off the United States, leaving ti with the option of the treaty of
Ghent, which didn't give them any land
concessions (as opposed to the British-Canadian forces, which never intended to make any, so handed back all taken land without grudge) nor did it make either side any richer. As a courtesy, the Royal navy ended impressing.When the united states wanted to start an empire, it went after a weakened spanish empire, which was on the brink of freeing itself. When the USA again attempted imperialism in south america, it was having a little trouble with fallen power Spain, so decided to pay $20,000,000 to buy a few POS nations that would have revolted in a few years anyway. Wow, isn't that clever? Obviously, these places have since gained
independance. Quite possibly the worst empire ever...
Manifest Destiny
by the ides of march on Oct 07, 2003 06:10:01
"Manifest Destiny" was the social theory in the USA in the
19th century which claimed that the USA and its white, Christian citizens were chosen by God. Because of this "choosing" they were entitled to any land they pleased, despite who already
owned it (not limited to
Native Americans; also including other countries), with the purpose being that they spread their religion of Christianity and their concept of "civilization" to the other, "inferior", people of the world.
Manifest Destiny
by FBK420 on May 17, 2016 07:23:18
When one has the will-power and the positive/negative mental attitude so strong that they unknowingly Manifest their own Destiny; when someone concentrates/focuses on a
thought so intensely that the thought has
manifested into reality
Not to be confused with its
Homonym, Manifest Destiny
Guy 1: "Man i was just hoping a cop wouldnt drive by right now and not even 2 minutes later Two Cop cars roll up my block"
Guy 2: "Manifest Destiny, my friend, dont focus on the
neg in life"
"Ive been telling my self all day things are gonna change for the better, and i
literaly just won the
lotto, now thats what i call Manifest Destiny"
Manifest destiny
by Absolutely really correct on Jun 24, 2020 22:38:29
A belief more ridiculous than Christianity
Or in normal people words, the belief that an arrogant piece of shit
colonist can take over the land of
native Americans because
the piece of shit colonist is fucking arrogant.
Colonist: give me your land
Native dude: nah fuck you
Colonist: HOW DARE YOU! I have
manifest destiny on my side!
Native dude: I wonder how you’ll react when hitler does a similar thing but instead of keeping the equal part of us he kills them.
who the fuck are you talking about
Manifest Destiny
by Manifest Destined on Jun 16, 2011 05:56:43
triumphant result achieved when one's beard hair connects with his
chest hair. Only a few can achieve such greatness. May be shortened to "
Manifest Destiny
by foxpaux on Sep 30, 2018 18:27:22
It's basically
the USA's imperialism kind of. It's
far-fetched, though since it has "white supremacy" and "christianity above all religions" in it. From what I gathered, it was used against Mexicans and the native people living back in
And that claim is by the right of our Manifest Destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and
federated self-government entrusted to us. -McCrisken, Trevor B., "
Exceptionalism: Manifest Destiny" in Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy (2002), Vol. 2, p. 68
Manifest Destiny
by noseyrosy on Apr 07, 2019 00:52:49
When young White people move in to an
Inner City nabe, and Blacks
move out because they can no longer afford to live there.