my friends
by Hans Moleman on Apr 24, 2004 08:59:45
commercials/ads, often famous
announcers, celebrities and spokespeople will
coin the phrase "my friends at...". In other words, this means that that company pays them a lot of money.
Thom Brennaman, "My friends at
Colter Cadillac have the best selection in town."
my friends
by bitch-slap contorted-body nomad on Jul 06, 2005 23:54:40
my friends are
back-stabbing, annoying, homeless,
junkies, boozehounds, desperate, suicidal, posers, arrogant, bitchy, and
last but not least really young
my friend
by Jack324 on Jan 20, 2009 08:38:51
1. A phrase that people use when they're not actually your friend.
(See also:
John McCain)
2. A phrase that people use when they are too
embarrassed to admit they are talking about themselves.
3. A phrase that people use when they've actually
forgotten your name.
1. "My friend, I didn't spend five years as a POW just to see the terrorists get the best of us. And we can't let my opponent
get elected ...or the
terrorists win."
2. "Hey, I was
just wondering... my friend went to Vegas a couple weeks ago and got a really horrible rash on his junk after sleeping with a hooker, and he wants to see a doctor, but he's afraid his wife will see the medical bill and start asking questions. What should he do?"
3. "Hello, uhhh, my friend! How are you?"
my friend
by Muyuna on Dec 11, 2004 01:31:58
Synonymous with migrainous condition, phrase recognizes the
intimate nature of recurrent
throbbing headaches that have become part of daily living.