An exclamation, usually used in a
humorous fashion. May be substituted for "
fuckies, crap,
dammit, fuck, motherfucker, etc."
by matt on Nov 13, 2003 21:36:21
by N.Magic on May 08, 2005 08:41:35
A cross between an Asshole and a Cock. Or the
resultant offspring of an asshole and a cock. Not nesasarily
denoting sexual behaiviors resultant in fecal matter being present on ones
schlong but relating to their behaiviors or mannerisoms.
by Da_Nigga on Feb 28, 2003 17:26:01
by john master on Jan 12, 2008 06:05:09
by maffew1234 on May 26, 2006 12:05:41
a shit-cock is an
apparatus used to turd-dock. turd-docking is a universal
sex act performed by men and women. when you perform this act both partners feel the same sensation. you make a shit-cock by taking a dump, and placing it in a condom. always remember to tie the condom in a
knot at the end. to turd-dock you insert the shitcock into partner 1's asshole and then partner 2 inserts the remaining portion into his/her asshole. then the two partners use their bowels to push the shit-cock back and forth.
you can use shit-cock as a replacement word when you are
at a loss for the real word that you are looking for:
"hey dude,
could you go grab that shitcock?"
"i better go and get some shitcock"
by Igglepud on Jan 14, 2010 11:06:34
by chupacabra on Feb 15, 2005 05:24:36
by farfellseed on May 14, 2006 11:46:35
A person who likes it when he gets
brown feces all over his dick.
by COLBY CHEEEEZE on Oct 31, 2011 02:36:18
Shitcock has no literal meaning. It is a noun, verb, and adjective Can be used in anyway possible. Can be used as an insult, compliment, or just to break the
awkward silence of a room. Founder of the word is the one and only
motherfacking COLBY CHEEEZE!!!
Person 1: "Can you move your feet so i have more room to lie down."
Scoontie: "No."
Person 1: "Move yaa fackingg feet before i
shitcock on your life!"
Scoontie 1: "Oh thank God we can finally go to sleep now that Colby is asleep"