your parents

The act of hiring a friend or a professional burglar to break into the home that you live in to rob your parents over anything containing monetary value in order for you to make rent. Though some might regard this as unscrupulous, it is less so if your family happens to have a decent property insurance plan and it is also highly ironic.

Roast your parents month
In November 5th you'll get to roast your parents
Roast your parents month is sadly not a month you get to roast your parents is a day of a month to be more exact November 5th on this date you get to roast your parents as much as you could thing of but be sure you don third them to much because sometimes roasts can be a bit ruder then rude

crunchyroll and dissapoint your parents
An innuendo for sex, created by the youtuber Jacksfilms It's a different way to say Netflix and Chill and not have parents be suspicious of actions.
Zack: "Hey babe, you wanna Crunchyroll and Dissapoint your parents?
Grace: "Certainly! I love to watch Anime"
Parents: "These damn kids these days"
Zack: "Come on! I've got a great episode of boku no pico to watch with you!"

National Disobey Your Parents Day
This national day is October 26th. Its an entire day made for disobeying your parents.

(Please dont do anything too extreme though.)
ARE YOU HYPED FOR National Disobey Your Parents Day

I'll make you eat your parents
A phrase uttered by Cartman on south park a few times throughout the fifth season. Cartman, in the show, actually DID make Scott Tennerman eat his own parents. I should also mention, that that episode is by far the best episode of south park. (Scott Tennerman Must Die)
"I'll make you eat your parents."
"What? What did you say?"

fuck with your parents day - 12th Jan
definition: do whatever you want that your parents don't like
e.g. play music loudly, stay up late, wear clothes they don't like, buy something you've been wanting to for ages but your parents wouldn't approve (torn jeans), yell at them from another room :)
Me: Karen, it's fuck with your parents day, what are you going to do?#
Karen: what's that?
Me: fuck with your parents day - 12th Jan, is doing something your parents don't want you to do
Karen: not talk to the manager >:c

30 years old and still living with your parents
Either a pathetic loser or a member of the lost generation that got screwed over by Bush, the oil industry, and the banks. If it's the latter, when you graduated from college, housing prices were through the roof, health insurance costs were insane, and the average salary was pathetic... then the economy tanked. Now, you're back living in the home your parents owned when they were your age. You're sleeping in your childhood bedroom, in the bed where you used to dream about what life would be like when you grew up.
Even though you studied hard, never ran up any credit card debt, never broke the law, and generally did everything society asked you to do AND even though you work 40 hours a week at a salary position, you're 30 years old and still living with your parents. By the time the economy pulls it's self out of this slump, you'll be too old to have a family of your own, or to be seriously considered for any non-dead-end job. You're not sure where you'll live when your parents retire in a year or two and sell the house, but, as the responsible and realistic planner you are, you've already begun buying Ramen Noodles in bulk.

When your parents explain to you what cancer is
We all remember that day when we learned what cancer was, but my parents in particular did excruciatingly well telling me that half of my mom's side of the family had cancer and that they were going to eventually die. In fact, I think she first told us(me and my brother), at the ripe age of 4 and 2, that our grandma had stage 3 breast cancer and was going to die. She didn't even tell us what cancer was, for fuck's sake. And the consequence of that was me going on for another 8 years thinking cancer was instant death and that different parts of your body could get it.... Like, what the fuck? And then turns out my Grandpa had prostate cancer, so that was fun, but not as lethal. Another one of my great-uncles had ball cancer AND lung cancer. I can only pray that I don't share any of their fates, but I think one of the reasons she escaped it was because she went to med school. Definitely not me, so I can only hope.
Mother: Son, your grandma is going to die.
Son, crying: What?! Why??
Mother, in a perfectly calm face like this happens to her all the time: Cancer.

Son, noticing her lack of caring: Fuck you. Goodnight forever.
results of when your parents explain to you what cancer is

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