
Short for 'Mobile'.Australian slang meaning: a) A mobile phone.b) To smoke weed in a car...Technically while driving(mobile), but it still counts if you park the car.

Left wing troll who tries to imitate a right winger, usually poorly due to left wing's complete misunderstanding of who right wingers are. Often given away by telltale first line, "I'm a lifelong Republican, BUT..." or "As a lifelong Republican, I have to disagree with (Republican figure)..."
Moby: I'm a lifelong Republican, but it turns my stomach when I see the fascist rantings of these town hall protesters. What they are doing is worse than Hitler! I am going to vote Democrat until this stops and you should too!

Actual Republican: Try to dial it down next time, Moby. You'd be more convincing!

Any young, white, urban or suburban male with a shaved head, obsession with electronic music, permanently affixed earbuds and a hatred of George W. Bush specifically or conservatives in general. In other words, a hipster that is a virtual clone of the musician Moby. The polar opposite of a South Park Republican.
Hipster Working in Apple Store: "We wouldn't have had this huge oil spill if it weren't for Bush and his Big Oil cronies."

You: "I don't recall asking your opinion, Moby. Now shut your fucking yapper and replace my IPod, bitch."

A cute cat name who usually has green eyes and brown fur. He will snuggle with you all night and attaches him self to one person. If you have a cat named Moby never let him go.
Girl 1: Is that your cat?
Girl 2: Yes isn't he cute?
Girl 1: Yes!! What's his name?
Girl 2: Moby.

An insidious and specialized type of left-wing troll who visits blogs and impersonates a conservative for the purpose of either spreading false rumors intended to sow dissension among conservative voters, or who purposely posts inflammatory and offensive comments for the purpose of discrediting the blog in question.

The term is derived from the name of the liberal musician Moby, who famously suggested in February of 2004 that left-wing activists engage in this type of subterfuge: “For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you’re an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion. Then you go to an anti-immigration Web site chat room and ask, ‘What’s all this about George Bush proposing amnesty for illegal aliens?’”

The strategy has been frequently attempted on conservative blogs, but has not been nearly as effective as Moby envisioned, since false rumors are easily debunked by fact-checking minions, and cartoonishly extreme commenters often get immediately identified as mobys and banned.
"While I agree that it is vital to monitor incoming international phone calls from terrorists, President Bush has gone too far.

By secret executive order, he has instructed the NSA to place hidden cameras in the girls' locker rooms of Washington D.C. (Dirt bag City) Islamic schools. His desire to find out 'what is under all those burqas' is beyond the pale.

Maybe the Dhimmicrats are right. If he would do this, what else is he capable of? Let your voice be heard! I for one will never send the RNC money ever again. And, no, I am not a moby."

Electronic musician who capitalized off the emergent interest in electronic music during the mid 1990s. Moby is known for culturally appropriating black field recordings from Alan Lomax, and mashing them up with drum samples and Brian Eno-type ambient musical sounds, and 'soundscapes'.

Also known for licensing his music for commercial purposes, paving the way for it not to be whack to sellout. Many artists in the 21st century actually DREAM of "selling out", so they can become rich and famous.

Unfortunately and unintentionally, Moby's music has done a fine job of helping marketers make consumer goods seem more "cool", to global consumers. So, Moby's music shows that cultural globalization is all about cultural appropriation, for consumerist purposes.
Gee, I just heard 3 Moby tracks in 3 consecutive commercials. One for a luxury car, the next for dog food, and the last for soda pop. Is this post-modern culture, or anti-culture?

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