When i
when iMe when i
when i was a litt
le lad, if i wanted berries and cream, mummy made me do the little lad dance. Now mummy's gone. But I still love to do the little lad dance. It goes a little something like this; just run in place, clap your hands, touch your right heel with your left, and your left heel with your right, and gesture to yourself Berries and Cream! Now sing the Berries and Cream song! Berries and cream, berries and cream! I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream! Up the octave, go for it! Berries and cream, berries and cream! I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream! Easy peasy! Nice and easy.
me when i
me when i
The opposite of anyway. Used when one wants to emphasize someting rather than to reduce the relative importance of a subject
...I slapped the hoe cuz she wouldnt pay the rent wheniay(when-i-ay).
...My dad has been gone for 12 years, im excited for when he comes back with the milk wheniay(when-i-ay).
...I slapped the hoe cuz she wouldnt pay the rent wheniay(when-i-ay).
...My dad has been gone for 12 years, im excited for when he comes back with the milk wheniay(when-i-ay).
when i was a kid
when i have time
I'm never gonna do it
me when i lie
...and that's when i saw the blood...
a pointless-story-ending, similar to "and then i found ten dollars." when your story went nowhere, you put this on the end to make it interesting. generally used satirically to admit story-telling defeat.
cammie:well then it looked like the car had a scratch, but then it didn't really...
lila: cammie, is this story going anywhere?
cammie:...so i saw this chick, and i wanted to talk to her, but then i didn't...and that's when i saw the blood...
lila: *facepalm*
cammie:well then it looked like the car had a scratch, but then it didn't really...
lila: cammie, is this story going anywhere?
cammie:...so i saw this chick, and i wanted to talk to her, but then i didn't...and that's when i saw the blood...
lila: *facepalm*