He is the best man around. He can be an awesome friend, boyfriend or brother. He always cares for others and can cheer people up in a heartbeat. He loves making new friends and is very outgoing in whatever activity he is doing. He is very well-rounded, meaning musically talented while still being involved in sports and also finding time for friends. He tends to dress well and loves to suit up. His goals in life would be to impact someone one day or simply help others, like becoming a teacher. He is a great motivator and coach, like for running. He has the best eyes in the world that lighten up every time he smiles. His smile is also perfect and even his laugh is contagious. He also has a great sense of humor that everyone can relate to. If anyone ever meets an Arden, he will turn their life upside down and make them the happiest they have ever been.
Adeline: "Did you talk to that new kid, Arden?"
Gwyneth: "Yes! He is totally awesome!"
Adeline: "I know right! I feel like he will be legendary one day!"
Gwyneth: "Exactly! He could be the next Captain America!"
Adeline: "Did you talk to that new kid, Arden?"
Gwyneth: "Yes! He is totally awesome!"
Adeline: "I know right! I feel like he will be legendary one day!"
Gwyneth: "Exactly! He could be the next Captain America!"