raw emotion
An internal instinct, not yet explored! not yet understood from the host. A reaction to an event with no regard of the consequence due to internal instinct brought by trama out of there upbringing or environment .Raw Emotion
When the thought of unprotected sex makes a grown man show emotion. The late ol' dirty bastard of the wu-tang clan recorded this iconic chorus;
Ooh, baby, I like it raw
Yeah baby, I like it raw
Ooh, baby, I like it raw
Yeah baby, I like it raw
Ooh, baby, I like it raw
Yeah baby, I like it raw
Ooh, baby, I like it raw
Yeah baby, I like it raw
Bob: "When Selma Pulled The Rubber off my dick a single tear came out my face that was raw emotion"
Bob: "When Selma Pulled The Rubber off my dick a single tear came out my face that was raw emotion"