A substance derived from the plant,
poppy flower. Found in most regions of the world, and created in Southeast and
Southwest Asia, Central America and the Mideast. Heroin comes in two forms, tar and china. Tar is usually
made in Mexico, while the china (hence, "fine china") comes from the other sections of the world in many colors, shades, and cuts. There are many ways to use heroin, including intravenously- with a needle, smoking- using foil; "chasing the dragon", and snorting the substance. Many users each year overdose and die, relapse, get arrested, or stay addicted. Heroin is displayed to be a highly fashionable drug, but is not. Slang terms for heroin are: junk, dope, smack, shot, shit, h, etc.
The onset of a heroin "rush" from a needle is about 3-7 seconds, and lasts about 3 seconds.